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Friday, October 5, 2012

iOS6: Privacy

Looks like apple has made some significant changes on how users manage protecting their data. It's not much but it is a start. You can manage it by going Settings->Privacy.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

iOS6: iTunes App Detects Your Music

Like what I said before, aside from the revamp of the iTunes app's interface, a couple of features has been added and one of this is the ability to detect the songs you have. When searching for songs, instead of a price, it will show a "PLAY" button. After clicking, it will launch your music app then play that song.

iOS6: Delete Songs

With the new music app interface, it also includes additional feature - the ability to delete songs in your iPhone.

Friday, September 28, 2012

iOS6: No More Message Icon

One thing that I noticed that's missing now in iOS6 - the new text message icon near the battery icon. Yup, it's gone. So, whenever you receive a new text message, you will no longer see the bubble icon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tip: iMessage to Text Message

Did you know that you don't need to go through the Settings app and turn off your iMessage whenever you want to send a text message within a wifi area?

When sending a message while connected to a wifi, it automatically sends your message as an iMessage. If you want to send it as a text message, quickly hold the message bubble and an option will show.

iOS6: A Nice Looking Dial Pad

In iOS6 phone app, the dial pad has a new design and color. It looks more fun yet sleek and cool.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

iOS6: App Download

The irritating part wherein you are pushed to the homescreen when you download/update apps is now over. Yay!

iOS6: Wallpapers

There are now 3 new wallpapers that you can choose from. I like the grass most. 😉

iOS6: Pull-to-Refresh in Mail

Pull-to-Refresh is now enabled in Mail. A nice little animation is shown when you do this.

iOS6: App Photo Album Access

Now, whenever an app uses your photos in your album, it will ask your permission to use them. Looks like apple listened.

iOS6: Safari Warning

Now, a little nice warning in safari will show if you can't connect to the internet. Apparently, this same style is shown in the Facebook app.

iOS6: Youtube is still alive

Youtube is still somewhat present in iOS6. You can share videos to youtube.

iOS6: Attention to Detail on Volume bar

Have you noticed that volume ring or button thing in your volume bar? Did you know it animates the reflection when you change perspective? Go ahead look at it. Nifty, huh?!

iOS6: What's New on App Update

Whenever you update an app, you can now instantly see what has changed. Just touch the "What's New" arrow on your app update. Nice, huh?